“They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: In them both lies grave sin, though some benefit, to mankind. But their sin is more grave than their benefit.” (Surah al-Baqarah 2:219)

“O you who believe! Intoxicants and (Maysir) games of chance and divining (azlam) by arrows are only an uncleanness, the Shaitan’s work; shun it therefore that you may be successful. Satan only desires to arouse discord and hatred among you with wine and gambling, and to deter you from the mention of Allah and from SALAH. Will you desist?” (Surah al-Mā’ida 5:90-91)

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Whoever swears saying in his oath. ‘By Al-lāt and al-‘Uzzá,’ should say, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but God; and whoever says to his friend, ‘Come, let me gamble with you,’ should give something in charity.” — Sahih Bukhari, Book 78 (Oaths and Vows), hadith 645


Are the Fantasy Battle Station fantasy sport games Shariah Compliant?

Let’s begin with a story, while this story is a well-known anecdote it is not a Hadith found in the canonical collections. The narrative revolves around Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and his attempt to perform a Salah (prayer) with complete and undivided concentration (khushu’).

In this story, the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) promises Ali his cloak if he can complete his prayer with 100% focus. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) strives to do so, but as he is about to finish his prayer, the thought of the cloak enters his mind, thus breaking his complete focus.

This story is often cited in various Islamic literature and sermons to emphasize the challenge of maintaining complete concentration in prayer and the importance of sincerity and focus in worship. Again, it should be noted that this particular narrative does not appear in the main Hadith collections (like Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim). However, it has relevance to our discussion as demonstrated below.


Battle Rap Station’s Fantasy Battle Station is a unique and innovative fantasy sports franchise that integrates elements of sports and entertainment with fantasy sports. From a Shariah Law perspective, it is crucial to evaluate whether Fantasy Battle Station constitutes gambling (qimar or maysir), which is prohibited in Islam. The core elements of gambling are consideration, prize, and chance. If any one of these elements is missing, the activity cannot be classified as gambling. Battle Rap Station contends that Fantasy Battle Station is halal (permissible) based on the absence of the element of consideration.

Understanding the Elements of Gambling in Shariah Law

In Islamic jurisprudence, gambling is defined by the presence of three key elements:

  1. Consideration (Muawadhah): This refers to something of value that a participant must put at risk.
  2. Prize (Jayizah): This is the reward or gain that participants compete for.
  3. Chance (Qimar): This refers to the outcome being dependent on luck or uncertain events.

For an activity to be classified as gambling, all three elements must be present. Removing any one of these elements renders the activity permissible under Shariah law.

Case Study: Ali and the Cloak

A pertinent example from Islamic tradition is the story of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and the cloak of the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) promised Ali his cloak if he could perform a prayer with complete focus. While the cloak was the prize and the element of chance lay in Ali’s performance, there was no consideration because Ali did not wager anything of value. Therefore, this challenge did not constitute gambling.

Fantasy Battle Station’s Compliance with Shariah Law

Fantasy Battle Station adheres to a similar principle by ensuring the absence of consideration in its fantasy sports activities:

  1. Crypto Cotton Tokens: Subscribers may only make wagers using our Crypto Cotton tokens. These tokens are not for sale and are freely distributed to subscribers through the Token Plantation section of the platform. Upon registration all subscribers receive cotton tokens.
  2. No Financial Risk: Since the Crypto Cotton tokens are freely provided and cannot be purchased, there is no financial risk or investment from the participants, thereby eliminating the element of consideration.
  3. ERC20 Token Prizes – THE CLOAK: Battle Rap Station has deployed seven (7) ERC20 Tokens on the Polygon MATIC Network. These tokens where deployed for use on the Battle Rap Station platform however, as they are standard ERC20 tokens users may freely transfer and trade them on third party exchanges.
    • Satoshi – Ticker: SATS, Token Address: 0x17c02cA0e131733d20aDC8648cc4A752fC52b37D
    • Top Tier In-The-Building – Ticker: TTITB, Token Address: 0x22BA72ca575a54536F93d2C4E4E75e9CA00B6044
    • Mid Tier In-The-Building – Ticker: MIDITB, Token Address: 0x8F35777a5fca9B0471965A99f830eb582b3CE136
    • Bottom Tier In-The-Building – Ticker: BTMITB, Token Address: 0x4A374AB9Fb9fedEa622098A25E10C0D1FFD1D215
    • Top Tier Pay-Per-View – Ticker: TTPPV, Token Address: 0x7aEe57739235788EABE768b7111D8F947Dd609B5
    • Mid Tier Pay-Per-View – Ticker: MIDPPV, Token Address: 0x455857E89cbFEeE0dB36d672A8baD425DC6a9026
    • Bottom Tier Pay-Per-View – Ticker: BTMPPV, Token Address: 0x1a99f7D4ec2F0D1BFf77eE3856621c072Ad8DefB

These ERC20 Tokens represent Prophet Muhammad’s (صلى الله عليه وسلم) cloak. Subscriber fees paid for Battle Rap Station Metrocard NFT’s are for use of the various wallets developed by Battle Rap Station which grant access for the linear broadcast and video-on-demand streaming services provided.


By ensuring that the Crypto Cotton tokens used for wagering in Fantasy Battle Station are freely distributed and not purchasable, Battle Rap Station effectively removes the element of consideration. This, coupled with the elements of prize and chance, transforms the activity into a permissible form of entertainment rather than gambling.

In summary, Fantasy Battle Station operates within the bounds of Shariah law by providing a halal form of fantasy sports play. It offers a unique and engaging platform for subscribers to enjoy without the ethical and legal concerns associated with gambling. This position aligns with the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, making Fantasy Battle Station a legitimate and enjoyable form of entertainment for its participants.


Battle Rap Station distinguishes itself not only as an innovative fantasy sports and entertainment platform but also as THE WORLDS FIRST TADHKIRAH STREAMING PLATFORM. One of the most unique features of Battle Rap Station is the implementation of the “Salah Break.” This feature underscores the platform’s commitment to ensuring that users can maintain their religious obligations without distraction, reinforcing the platform’s adherence to Shariah compliance.

Salah Break: A Unique Feature

The Salah Break is a designated time within the platform’s daily operations where all activities pause for the performance of Salah (the five daily prayers). This break occurs five times a day, aligning with the Islamic prayer times, and lasts for 15 to 20 minutes. During this period, the following occurs:

  1. Platform Shutdown: All interactive and engaging sections of the platform, including Fantasy Battle Station, are effectively ‘shut down.’ Users are redirected to Salah Break pages.
  2. Commercials and Reminders: During the Salah Break, the Salah Break pages display only commercials and religious reminders, ensuring that no new content or distractions are available. This keeps users from being engaged in other activities and encourages them to perform their prayers rather watch a bunch of commercials.
  3. Automatic Redirect: After the allotted time for Salah has passed, usually 15 minutes, users are automatically redirected back to their regular pages and can resume their activities on the platform.

Spiritual and Practical Benefits

  1. Elimination of Religious Distraction: By implementing the Salah Break, Battle Rap Station removes the element of religious distraction. Users are not tempted to skip or delay their prayers due to ongoing activities or engagements on the platform. This ensures that the religious obligation of performing Salah on time is facilitated and respected.
  2. Encouragement of Religious Observance: The Salah Break serves as a built-in religious reminder, encouraging users to observe their daily prayers. It creates an environment that supports and promotes the practice of Islam, making it easier for users to fulfill their religious duties without interference.
  3. Enhanced Shariah Compliance: The Salah Break aligns with Islamic principles by ensuring that entertainment and other activities do not overshadow or hinder religious obligations. This feature transforms the platform into a more permissible and spiritually aligned form of entertainment.

A Unique and Responsible Entertainment Platform

Battle Rap Station’s Salah Break feature positions it as a unique and responsible entertainment platform that prioritizes its users’ spiritual well-being. By integrating regular breaks for prayer, the platform ensures that users can enjoy their favorite activities while maintaining their religious commitments. This feature highlights the following aspects:

  1. Innovative Shariah Compliance: By pausing for Salah, Battle Rap Station demonstrates a practical and innovative approach to ensuring Shariah compliance, setting a precedent for other entertainment platforms.
  2. Community Building: The Salah Break fosters a sense of community among users who share the same faith and values, creating a supportive environment for religious observance.
  3. Balanced Lifestyle: This feature promotes a balanced lifestyle where entertainment and spirituality coexist harmoniously, allowing users to engage in both without compromising either.


Battle Rap Station’s Salah Break feature is a testament to its commitment to providing a Shariah-compliant and spiritually enriching entertainment experience. By pausing activities for daily prayers, the platform removes distractions, encourages religious observance, and sets a new standard for responsible and innovative entertainment. This unique feature not only enhances the platform’s appeal to a Muslim audience but also underscores its dedication to upholding Islamic principles in all aspects of its operations.
